Equal Marriage For Same-Sex Couples
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Equal Marriage For Same-Sex Couples:  Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human Rights
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Tying the Knot director to marry in Toronto while in town for city premier. (Photo by Matthew Pond, from the film's website, 2004) Tying the Knot director to marry in T.O.

Oct 22, 2004 - Director Jim de Sève's Tying the Knot is a documentary from the front-lines of the battle over gay marriage: up close and personal. The film looks at same-sex marriage in the U.S., the Netherlands, and Canada. The subject is close to heart for the director. De Sève will marry his partner Kian Tjong while they are in Canada for the Nov. 3 Toronto premier of this award-winning film.

Support gay marriage.  Please help us pay for our advocacy expenses.Support gay marriage.  Please help us pay for our legal expenses.Support gay marriage.  Please write or call politicans.
Support gay marriage.  If you are a member of Canadian clergy, please sign our petition.

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Canadians For Equal Marriage

Apologies for ending faith-based bigotry - Bishop Ingham Apologies for ending faith-based bigotry

Oct 18, 2004 - The Anglican Church released the "Windsor Report" today, criticizing Canadian Bishop Ingham for his support of same-sex couples. The report called for an apology, and a "moratorium" on blessing same-sex unions. Bishop Ingham has already complied with the first demand, on live TV. But the good Bishop promises to continue the blessings.

New York State accepts Canadian gay marriages - Reitrement system sets the precedent. NY state accepts Canadian gay marriages

Oct 13, 2004 - New York State's retirement system will treat a Canadian gay marriage the same as any other marriage for the pruposes of reitrement benefits and obigations. The decision was made by New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi. Earlier this year Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said the state should recognize a same-sex marriage performed elsewhere.

Gay marriage reference: points and predictions. Marriage reference: points and predictions

Oct 12, 2004 - We gaze into our crystal ball in an effort to separate the politics from the law, the posturing from the possible, some points and predictions from the Supreme Court reference on gay mariage. With the help of intervener lawyer Douglas Elliott (MCC Toronto), we take an educated look at the court's probable response to the four questions before it.

Caution: Slipperly Slope of gay marriage (Canada's Attorney General fell into "deep waters" Caution: Slippery Slope

Oct 11, 2004 - The lawyer representing Canada's Attorney General fell into "deep waters" when he slid down the "slippery slope" argument used against gay marriage. The court was interested in the "natural limits" of federal jurisdiction over the provinces. The Attorney General launced into an academic discussion exploring the sexual limits of marriage instead of the legislative.

Cotler's contortions questioned by court - Justice minister abuses legal process for politics Cotler's contortions questioned by court

Oct 6, 2004 - The opening day of the Supreme Court of Canada reference made it clear that the court is not interested in being used by Canada's Justice Minister for political ends. Irwin Cotler was accused of abusing the legal process. "Aren't you describing a political role," asked Justice Bastarache, after the government confirmed that it asked a question of no consequence to its plans.

A point of reference - supreme court hearing is more about politics than gay marriage or law A point of reference: more politics than law

Oct 5, 2004 - There has been a great deal of excitement in the media about this week's Supreme Court of Canada reference. But nobody doubts the outcome, and everyone knows the process is more about politics than it is about law. The Liberal party won a minority government and now they are afraid to govern, leaving couples to fight for gay marriage, province by province.

Support that comes straight from the heart - Opposite-sex couples promote gay marriage. Support that comes straight from the heart

Sept 29, 2004 - Martin and Tamara delayed their wedding until gay marriage was legal in Ontario. Audra and Mark put off their wedding until same-sex marriage arrived in Nova Scotia. We've been encouraged by opposite-sex couples who have used the occasion of their own weddings to show their solidarity with same-sex marriage. Their support advances human rights.

Catholic Bishops of Bigotry at the tax trough: Church fears gay marriage will lead to income loss. Catholic bishops of bigotry at tax trough

Sept 28, 2004 - The Canadian Catholic Bishops will argue against gay marriage at next month's Supreme Court of Canada examination of proposed legislation that will roll-out same-sex marriage to the remaining have-not provinces. A church court document reveals the real concern of the Bishops of Bigotry: money. Will Canada fund a church that works against human rights?

Gay marriage advocates in New Brunswick appeal for help in mounting a campaign for marriage equality. N. B. couples seek help in marriage battle

Sept 26, 2004 - Couples in New Brunswick have issued an appeal for help in mounting a campaign for marriage equality in their province. Gay marriage advocate Art Vautour issued a letter yesterday after N.B. Justice Minister Green refused to follow in the footsteps of neighbouring Nova Scotia, where same-sex marriage became legal last Friday.


Our book Just Married:  Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human RightsJust Married: Recent Reviews and News

Read reviews of our book Just Married: Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human Rights. Information about the French edition Gays, gays, marions-nous!, a schedule of appearances and activities are listed here

The top 5 gay marriage items viewed in 2004:

Biblical marriage: a bad source for debate
The Bible and same-sex marriage
Equal marriage tests the land of the free
Tracing the steps towards same-sex union recognition and marriage in Canada
Ten reasons why Christians should support same-sex marriage

Frequent gay marriage questions:

• Gay marriage in British Columbia?
• Gay marriage in Manitoba?
• Gay marriage in Nova Scotia?
• Gay marriage in Ontario?
• Gay marriage in Quebec?
• Gay marriage in the Yukon?
• Immigration to Canada?

• Gay marriage & religion?
• Where to find assistance for a wedding?

Gay marriage  (and related topics) in the media.
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Read a selection of comments about gay marriage in our mail.

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Gay Marriage Court Decisions
(since the Canadian Charter - 1982)

Supreme Court Reference (Oct. 6, 2004)

Supreme Court of the Yukon territory
(July 14, 2004 )

Court of Appeal for Quebec
(Mar. 19, 2004)

Supreme Court of Canada

- motion to appeal Ontario gay marriage victory (Oct. 9, 2003)

Court of Appeal for Ontario
(legalised gay marriage - June 10, 2021)

Court of Appeal for B.C.
(May 1, 2021)

Quebec Superior Court
(Sept. 6, 2002)

Ontario Divisional Court
(1st gay marriage victory, July 12, 2021)

Supreme Court of B.C.
(Oct. 2, 2001)

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We celebrate gay marriage in Ontario, B.C., Quebec, the Yukon, Manitoba,
and Nova Scotia! Now for the rest of Canada.

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