Four million visitors to this web site since 2001.




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View the same-sex marriage television public service announcement "Blanket"
View the same-sex marriage television public service announcement "Bedroom"
TV PSA: "Bedroom"
View the same-sex marriage television public service announcement "Parents"
Radio Public Service Announcements in support of equal marriage
Radio PSA: "Complaints"
Radio PSA: "Message"
Radio PSA: "Late"
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Advocacy News - Four million visitor sessions since 2001

April 4, 2021

Four million visitor sessions since 2001
The world's leading source about gay marriage

Last month we celebrated the completion of 4 million visitor sessions to this web site. Our visitors have viewed over 11 million pages and generated more than 84 million hits! At times, our traffic has been so high that our generous link partners BGR Designs and East Coast Bears donated some extra bandwidth to accommodate demand.

Equal marriage for same-sex couples was launched as a web site, without fanfare or promotion at the beginning of November 2001, only a few days after we finished writing Just Married, and in time for us to begin reporting on the proceedings of our case in Ontario court.

Since then, has continued to grow in size and audience, bringing a Canadian perspective to an international story. It has been a tool for ourselves and counted others in over 165 countries.

not applicable
287 %
174 %

This web site has surveyed the media and it in turn has been mined for information by the press. Our news reports are redistributed across the Internet by various news and information agencies, and our valued link partners continue to increase our reach by placing Equal Marriage News and our banners on their sites.

Television and radio has also increased our ability to reach new audiences as our public service announcements get air time across Canada and in the United States.

We have responded to inquiries from around the world, and material from this web site has been reproduced or referenced by television and radio stations newspapers, magazines, newsletters, court documents and other web sites - by those who are against us as well as those who are with us.

This web site has also generated personal emails (we do not use form or mass mailings), letters, and phone calls to politicians, opinion makers, and agencies written by people concerned about equality and justice.

In the spirit of information, we pause to look more closely at some of the attributes we have found in our four million visitors.

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement!

Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell

A closer look at 4,000,000 visitors

Highest number of visitors in a single day: 14, 806 (497,032 hits) on April 5, 2021

The ten most visited sections of this web site:

1. Legal News - Canada

2. Our book: Just Married

3. Media Coverage

4. Links page

5. The Ontario marriage case home page

6. Advocacy Events

7. Equality - Our Faiths

8. Our 2001 wedding

9. Public service announcements

10. Marriage Equality in Canada

The ten most viewed pieces published:

1. Biblical marriage: a bad source for debate (published January 23, 2021 - this year's most popular piece).

2. Ten reasons why Christians should support same-sex marriage (November 6, 2003).

3. Ontario marriage case Divisional Court decision (published July 12, 2021).

4. How to get married in Ontario (pub. June 13, 2021).

5. Registered Domestic Partnership - Letters

6. Evolution of marriage - timeline (ongoing updates).

7. Statistical Analysis of Factors Influencing Public Opinion on the Legalization of Homosexual Marriage, Feb 19, 2021 [document removed on Jan. 12, 2005, at Mark Lehman's request, while the author updates his work].

8. Ontario marriage case Court of Appeal decision. (June 10, 2021)

9. The Bible and same-sex marriage (March 24, 2021)

10. Tracing the steps towards same-sex union recognition and marriage in Canada (April 2004)

Where our visitors come from:

The majority of our visitors come to our web site from a computer registered with a commercial or institutional service provider. (ie., 31% of our visitors use .com, 21% use .net, 1. 7% use .edu.).

Of those visitors who use a service provider registered with a country identifier, these are the top 10 countries of origin:

1. Canada
3. Japan
5. France
7. United States
9. Australia
2. Saudi Arabia
4. Italy
6. Netherlands
8. United Kingdom
10. Germany

Sex is still #1

The most popular keyword used by visitors who find us by using a search engine is "sex" (19% of visitors who found our website using a keyword search). Even for these people, who are looking for something quite different, this web site holds reader attention: on average, these accidental tourists view 5.2 pages of information (up from 4.5 pages 1 million visitors ago and 3.8 pages of information 2 million visitors ago).

Our visitors' top search engine is and their preferred Internet browser is MS Explorer.

Thanks to our many link partners for ongoing support!

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