177 Votes estimated to secure gay marriage.






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Advocacy - 177 votes will make Canada leader in rights

December 9, 2004 (updated Dec. 10)

177 votes will make Canada leader in rights
The gay marriage movement has contributed to a better understanding of what it means to be Canadian

Kevin Bourassa, whose 2001 wedding with his partner Joe Varnell marked the first legal gay marriage in Canada, welcomed Thursday's decision. He said he hoped that Canada would be a symbol for the rest of the world, particularly the United States, where voters in 11 states banned gay marriage in the Nov. 2 election. "When they look at Canada, Americans will see the sky hasn't fallen," he said. "The scary scenarios that are painted by those who oppose us are nothing more than saying that the world is flat."
The Los Angeles Times, Dec. 9, 2004

There are moments in a nation's history that are of such significance, that the event transcends itself and becomes one of the many defining moments in a great nation. Today is one of those moments.

Global National News reports today that that math adds up to establishing Canada at the forefront of human rights for citizens of the world. Robert Fife, Ottawa bureau chief, says that 177 Members of Parliament will pass this bill ("a slam dunk"), 130 would vote to maintain discrimination (and of the 130, included are a dozen or so abstainers).

155 votes would constitute a majority.

While the numbers "for" and "against" may shift a bit between now and then, it will not make a difference to the outcome.

Fife says the big numbers are coming from urban areas and the rural areas are against equal marriage.

Says Fife, "This bill will go through!"

CTV National News weighed in later during their national broadcast, agreeing that Parliament will vote for marriage equality.

"It won't even be close," CTV said.


They are going to get this and it is one of those things that won't become an election issue," said Jim Travers, political reporter for The Toronto Star on CBC Dec. 10.

Susan Delacourt Toronto Star agrees that the bill will pass, as well. "There's a chance for the (Liberal) politicians to go out there and move people in the debate," she says.

"I think very few people will cast there ballot solely on this issue. There are some ... but its not going to be the defining issue in the next election," Travers concluded.


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