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Equality - In Our Faiths - News from 2000

December 2, 2000 (not posted until 2001, when this site was founded)

The Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto

The Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto (MCC Toronto) which is part of the United States based Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC), began performing legal same-sex marriages in January 2001.

"MCC Toronto is proud to announce that beginning in January 2001 we will be issuing marriage licenses for same sex weddings. Until now, we felt restricted from acting on our beliefs by what we thought was a legal impediment regarding same sex weddings. Being called by God to marry same sex couples, we recently sought legal advice and as a result, we have changed our position on the legality of same sex marriages. In keeping with the ancient Christian tradition of banns of marriage we will now be issuing marriage licenses for same sex weddings. We believe we will be the first to issue these licenses anywhere in the world. As you may know, the issue of same sex marriage is currently before the courts and we are seeking to participate in those court proceedings and we have retained Douglas Elliott, of Elliott and Kim to act on our behalf."

- Senior Pastor, Rev. Brent Hawkes, December 2, 2020

Resources about faith and homosexuality:

Kevin Bourassa and Joe Varnell, "Just Married: Gay Marriage and the Expansion of Human Rights", (2002), Doubleday / University of Wisconsin Press.

John Boswell's "Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality", (1980), University of Chicago Press.

"Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? An Interview with Dr. Reverend Cheri DiNovo", The Turning Magazine, Summer, 2004

Jim Hill and Rand Cheadle, "The Bible Tells Me So - Uses and Abuses of Holy Scripture", (1996), Anchor Books.

Tom Horner, "Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times", (1978), Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

Vaughn Roste, "The Queer-positive Bible", a paper presented at the Diversity Conferences of Alberta, March 9, 2021

Open letter to religious leaders on marriage equality, (2004), Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing

Robin Scrogg, "The New Testament and Homosexuality"
(1983), Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

Bishop John Shelby Spong, "Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism", (1992), Harper San Francisco

"Same-Sex Marriage: Popular Discontent and the Canadian Unitarian Response" (Video)

"What We Wish We Had Known: Breaking the Silence, Moving Toward Understanding. A Resource for Individuals and Families", The Presbyterian Church, Mt. Kisco, New York, Third Edition.

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