Equal marriage for same-sex couples - donations page





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How to help - Donations

Donations - Equal Marriage Fund

"Believe me, this case is extremely expensive! If the absolutely unthinkable happens, the couples stand to lose all their assets to pay for being part of the challenge".
Hedy Halpern, (Ontario marriage case)

"Now we have a central place for people who wish to help - a secure, legal and auditable way to receive contributions."
Michael Hendricks (Quebec marriage case)

The Equal Marriage Fund trust account has been established to support the three initial marriage cases that went through the lower and upper courts in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. It is the only fund established to support these legal expenses (see our main Donations page for more info about our trust account management and our other donation possibilities).

Funds will be shared between these cases, based on need and availability of funding, however, donations of $100 or more can be specifically directed to any marriage case of your choice, including:

  • B.C. Partners (3 couples in B.C.)
  • EGALE (5 couples in B.C.)**
  • Free 2 Marry (8 couples in Ontario)
  • MCC Toronto (2 couples in Ontario)
  • Micheal Hendricks & René LeBoeuf (Quebec)**

** These cases have received funding from the Court Challenges Program of Canada

Payable to: Equal Marriage Fund

In care of:
Bruce E. Walker Law Office
65 Wellesley Street East
Suite 205
Toronto, Ontario
M4Y 1G7

Or donate online by clicking below:
Note: a service provider charges us a fee for processing your online donation.

Enquiries: Bruce Walker (416) 961-7451

Equal Marriage Fund Donation Report

Rules for Disbursement of Funds:

Designated Donations ($100 or more)

  1. Funds specifically allocated by donors to one of the five marriage cases will be disbursed on a monthly basis.

Undesignated Donations

  1. Undesignated donations will be allocated to one, or more, of the five marriage cases on a quarterly basis on request.
  2. To be eligible for funds, a marriage case is required to present a financial statement of revenue to date and what is owed in two categories:
    • cash disbursements, and
    • legal fees.
  3. In order to put all applications for funding on the same footing, each case will be aligned to the limits established by the Court Challenges Program of Canada:
    • $50 per hour administrative fees (paperwork, etc.)
    • $150 per hour for research, legal drafting
    • $150 per hour for legal fees, court appearances, witness fees
    • $55,000 total funding for first instance of a case
    • $35,000 total funding for appeal
    • $35,000 total funding for Canadian Supreme Court
  4. Payments for disbursements will be limited to court-related costs only (photocopies, legal stamps, court fees etc.). Receipts are required.
  5. Travel and lodging costs are not eligible.
  6. Interveners in the marriage cases are not eligible.

External link to the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto Please Note: It is possible to make a tax-deductable donation in support of the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto marriage case - visit MCCT's web site for more info.