Elaine and Anne Vautour, Nov. 2001
parents were married for over 40 and 50 years respectively, and we value the tradition
of marriage as seriously as did our parents. | |
Elaine And Anne's Affidavit
Court File No. 39/2001
Court) | BETWEEN: |
Applicant | -and-
ONTARIO | Respondents
VAUTOUR, of the City of Toronto, in the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto,
MAKE OATH AND SAY: 1. We are members of the congregation of the Metropolitan
Community Church of Toronto (“MCCT”). We have been attending the church since
1992 and 1997 respectively.Elaine was consecrated a Deacon of the church on December
12, 1999 and is currently a student of theology. 2.We met on August
15, 1998 on Strawberry Island at a church retreat that was facilitated by MCCT.
3. We have lived together as common-law spouses since June of 1999.
4.Anne changed her last name to Vautour in March of 2000.
5.We wished to be legally married, but did not believe that marriage was available
to same sex couples in Ontario. We knew that MCCT performed Holy Union ceremonies
for same sex couples that were akin to marriage in the eyes of the church.
6.On August 12, 2000, we participated in a Holy Union ceremony at the Bloor
Street United Church.Reverend Mary Joseph of Christos Metropolitan Community Church
conducted the ceremony. We invited our friends and family to share in the celebration.
7.In December 2000, we learned of the publication of banns process.
We informed MCCT staff that we were interested in being legally married.
8. We planned to be married on January 14, 2021 in a double marriage ceremony
with Joe Varnell and Kevin Bourassa (“Joe and Kevin”), who were also members of
the MCCT congregation. 9.Reverend Hawkes read our banns of marriage,
and those of Joe and Kevin at MCCT during regular Sunday services on December
10th, 17th and 24th. No lawful objections were
made to the proposed marriages. 10.We were married along with Joe and
Kevin on Jan. 14, 2001 at MCCT. Our friends and families attended at the ceremony.
11.Our marriages were entered in the marriage register maintained by
MCCT. We completed the forms required where couples are married under the authority
of banns. 12.Prior to our forms being sent to the Registrar General
for registration, we learned from the media that the Minister of Consumer and
Commercial Relations had stated that the Province of Ontario would not permit
the registration of our marriage.Reverend Hawkes sent in our forms in any event.
13.We wish to have our marriage registered with the Registrar General
for Ontario for many reasons. We believe that we have the freedom to choose whom
to marry. We want to be recognized as a legally married couple. 14.We
believe that prohibiting marriage to same sex couples is discriminatory on the
basis of sex and sexual orientation. We want to be treated equally as citizens
of Canada. 15.We want to have the same legal status as other married
couples. We want to be able to make medical and financial decisions on one another’s
behalf without resorting to a Power of Attorney should one of us become incapacitated.
16. We have drafted Wills in order to protect ourselves should one of
us predecease the other. If our marriage were legally recognized, this would not
be necessary in the event of a death. 17. In order to enjoy the legal
rights and benefits of marriage, we would have to live together in a common-law
relationship for a certain period of time. Legally married heterosexual couples
automatically have legal rights as soon as they are married. 18. We
love one another and are happy to be married. We highly value the love and commitment
to our relationship that marriage implies. Our parents were married for over 40
and 50 years respectively, and we value the tradition of marriage as seriously
as did our parents. SWORN before me at the City of Toronto, in the
Province of Ontario, on the 24th day of January, 2001.
ELAINE VAUTOUR A Commissioner for Taking
Affidavits SWORN before me at the City of Toronto, in the Province
of Ontario, on the 24th day of January, 2001. _______________________________
ANNE VAUTOUR A Commissioner for Taking Affidavits |