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It should be clear that the Coalition seeks marriage. It never asked for a civil union for same sex couples.
message from the Quebec Coalition concerning As you know, the Quebec government is submitting their white paper on civil union (not civil marriage) tomorrow, December 7th at 10 AM. There has been much discussion concerning RDPs (registered domestic partnerships) and some disagreement among various queers about how we, as a community, should deal with these new strange beasts born of our battle for full civil equality via access to civil marriage. The posting that follows is in three parts:
Sorry it is so long but René and I think, and the spokesperson for the Coalition, Irène Demczuk, thinks, that those who are interested should have all the information we can offer you at this point (we have yet to see the final version of the white paper). Michael Hendricks
and René LeBoeuf Who are the players in Quebec? 1) The Quebec government
(presently controlled by the PQ majority). Until November 9th, the government
claimed that same sex couples had total equality, The opposition, the
Quebec Liberal Party, supports civil marriage for same sex couples. The
provincial election will be in the fall of 2002 (get it?). What is the actual opinion of the members of the Coalition? All the community and civil society players were caught off guard by the Quebec government's announcement of this new "civil union" on the second day of the marriage trial. We have yet to see the white paper that will be tabled but we have some indications of the contents of the original version and have discussed our objections at length with representatives of the government. After much discussion among ourselves we came to a conclusion of what to do (summed up in the following paragraph). Also, a press release was issued yesterday by the Coalition (which is translated at the end of this posting). It should be clear
that the Coalition seeks marriage. It never asked for a civil union for
same sex couples. The civil union proposed by the Quebec government is
its response to the Hendricks-LeBoeuf marriage case. Since we must wait
probably 5 years for an answer from the Supreme Court in the marriage
case, civil union could, if the present proposal is enriched, give at
least parental rights to lesbian mothers and gay fathers. This is a "win"
for our community. It is urgent that the rights of our families are recognized.
If the final version of this proposed law does not contain parental rights,
we will communicate our anger to this government. For the moment, there
is a little door that has opened and it is up to us to enlarge it. | |